Coronavirus and Jon's hair again.
Obviously the effects of this pandemic has hit us all with the lockdown and closing of salons. During this period, we have used the time to make preperations to reopen, but with few guidlines we have used common sense for what we need and it has mostly paid off, with only large supplies of masks purchased which the govenment have stipumated are not required.
It's normally impossible to get much maintenance and updates to the salon completed when it is running, so we have made many improvements and the Ladies side has had a full makeover which we hope you enjoy.
Now we have our guidlines we will fully comply with the rules and do so for the safety of our staff and our treasured customers and going beyond what has been requested.
To summarise, it's been stipulated that haircuts must be by appontment only and this can be done by phone, SMS or email. We would appreciate when leaving messages, that you leave your contact details (ie name and number and who normally cuts your hair.)
First and most important thing. If you are feeling unwell, with a temperature or other Covid Symptoms, please under no circumstances visit the salon. Telephone ASAP and cancel, then follow the government instructions to self isolate. If you ignore this to get your haircut, at best, we will need to close for 2 weeks to isolate and we all know the devestating effect passing on Covid-19 to others can have, so needless to say we must emphasise the importance to follow this.
Please ensure you arrive for your appointment on time. Obviously social distancing should be observed and with limited waiting areas, please dont arrive early. We request that customers arrive wearing a mask and follow instructions on seating by staff until your hairdresser is ready. Sanitiser is available on reception and should be used on arrival and departure.
All our staff will be wearing visors whilst inside the salon as per the goverment instructions. All work areas and tools will be disinfected before and after each customer and the salon will be continually cleaned throughout the day. All these extra precautions and timeoute have a huge effect on the number of customers we can see each day, so we ask that you help us by turning up punctually and in the event you have to cancel, tell us in good time.
As per government instructions, to allow us to open, for the track and trace initiative, we need to record customer details (Name and phone number) adding the date of your visit and keep for 21 days. Your details will not be kept beyond this time unless you agree to let us keep them.
Our Salon and staff commitments and expectations or our customers.